Sunday, September 22, 2024


Baghdad Mayoralty signs contracts on ID115b roads & bridges projects

BAGHDAD / The Baghdad Mayoralty signed contracts to set up roads & bridges projects at a total cost of 115 billion Iraqi dinars (ID) in a bid to ease traffic congestion,” according to a Mayoralty release on Sunday. “The projects comprise the ID14 billion al-Shaab bridge, the ID13 billion al-Zuhour bridge, the ID11 bilion al-Mustansiriya bridge and the ID11 billion Sahat al-Matahaf bridge in al-Allawi area,” read the release as received by news agency. “The projects also include the reconstruction of the Baghdad International Airport road at a cost of ID55 billion,” it added. The projects fall within the framework of plans to ease traffic congestions on the streets of the Iraqi capital Baghdad,” it noted. AmR (P) 1