Saturday, September 21, 2024


U.S. soldier killed in Basra

BAGHDAD / A U.S. soldier was killed in clashes in Basra, southern Iraq, on Saturday, upping the number of U.S. servicemen killed this month to 14, the U.S. army in Iraq said. “A Multi-National Force – South (MNF-S) Soldier was killed in clashes in Basra, southern Iraqi, on Saturday. The incident is being investigated,” according to a U.S. army statement as received by news agency. The statement did not elaborate on the exact site of the clashes. The death brings to 4,296 the number of U.S. soldiers who have been killed in Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion in March 2003. Among the 14 U.S. troops killed this month were five by a fellow soldier near the Baghdad International Airport on Monday. Nineteen soldiers were killed in April 2009. A total of 486 U.S. troops were killed in 2003, while 849 died in 2004. Another 846 troops were killed in 2005, and 822 soldiers in 2006. The year 2007 remains the year that saw the highest U.S. death toll with 904. November 2004, which witnessed fierce battles between U.S. forces and armed groups in Falluja city, Anbar province, remains the month that saw the highest U.S. death toll with 137. The oil-rich port city of Basra lies 590 km south of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. AmR (S) 1