Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Shaykhan protest calls for boycotting Ninewa’s local govt.

NINEWA / IraqiNews.com: Hundreds of local residents in the district of Shaykhan, east of Mosul city, staged a demonstration calling for boycotting the local government in Ninewa on the grounds that al-Hadbaa List is dominating all sovereign posts, according to the district mayor on Sunday. “Hundreds of citizens gathered today morning in central Shaykhan to stage a peaceful demonstration heading for the Mayoralty building while chanting slogans urging a boycott of the local administration in the province,” Shaaban Khaleel Soliman told IraqiNews.com news agency. “The demonstration was also staged because of the marginalization of the Fraternal Ninewa List,” al-Hadbaa’s partner in running the province, he added. Members of the Fraternal Ninewa List had announced that they boycotted the Ninewa Provincial Council meetings on April 12, 2009 in protest against the domination of all sovereign posts by al-Hadbaa, which won a majority of seats in the local council during the recent provincial elections. AmR (P)/SR 1