Friday, September 20, 2024


Trade minister questioning is just a beginning, says MP

BAGHDAD / Independent legislator Hussein al-Falluji on Sunday said that the parliament’s questioning of Trade Minister Abdulfalah al-Sudani will set a precedent for the accountability of ministers and state officials. “The no-confidence vote over the trade minister has to do with the parliament’s content about charges raised over Sudani and the evidence he and lawmaker Sabah al-Saadi will produce,” Falluji told news agency. “If Sudani’s replies were not convincing enough for the members of parliament, a no-confidence vote will be held over him,” he added. A member of the parliament’s anti-corruption committee, Amal al-Qadi, had revealed on Thursday (May 14) that Sudani would be questioned at parliament over “financial and administrative corruption charges”. AmR (P)/SR 1