Friday, September 20, 2024


ISX down by 4%, exchanges hands with ID1b+

BAGHDAD / Iraq’s Stock Exchange (ISX) index went down by 4.160 percent to settle at 283.164 points during Thursday’s session, where 481 million shares exchanged hands at more than 1.191 billion Iraqi dinars (ID), or $1 million, through 273 transactions. Shares of 38 companies were traded in today’s session, of which nine companies’ increased, 18 went down and 11 maintained their previous levels. The industrial sector came in the lead, trading in 85% of the shares, followed by the service sector with 25.3%. The Iraqi Stock Exchange, established under Law No. 74 of the year 2004, held its first session on June 24, 2004. The stock market holds three sessions a week: Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. AmR (P) 1