Saturday, September 21, 2024


Senior officer escapes attempt in Falluja

ANBAR / A senior officer survived an attempt on his life with an improvised explosive device (IED) that targeted him in a village of the Karmat al-Falluja district on Saturday, an official security source said. “An IED target Lt. Colonel Abad Sallam Khawaf, who was returning to the al-Shahid police station in the village of al-Qanater, Karmat al-Falluja district, eastern Falluja city, but escaped the attempt,” the source told news agency. “No casualties were reported in the blast,” he added, not giving more information. Falluja, the largest city in the predominantly Sunni province of al-Anbar, lies 45 km west of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. The incident is the second police officers are targets for IEDs in Iraq on Saturday. Lt. Colonel Taha Mohammed, the commander of the 7th Contingent of the Ninewa police department, was wounded when an explosive charge went off near his house in a village of al-Shura district, south of Mosul, 405 km north of Baghdad. AmR (P)/SR 1