Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq to re-merge into global economic system – official

BAGHDAD / Iraq seeks to re-merge into the global economic system, according to the Iraq National Investment Commission on Sunday, expecting the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) to grow by 7 percent this year. ” Iraq , within the frameworks of economic reform policies, is working on joining the World Trade Organization (WTO), in which Iraq is currently an observer,” INIC chief Sami al-Aaraji said in a speech he delivered during the Iraqi-United Arab Emirates business conference, currently in session in the UAE city of al-Sharjah. The conference, inaugurated earlier on Sunday, is attended by Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Rafie al-Issawi. The Iraqi delegation, which comprises Industry Minister Fawzy Hariri, Transport Minister Amer Abduljabbar and Electricity Minister Kareem Waheed, will take part along with senior officials from the UAE and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries in the event to be held under the rubric ‘Partners in Development’. Issawi had started a visit to the UAE on May 26 with a delegation that also included Iraq National Investment Commission (INIC) Chairman Sami al-Aaraji, Iraqi government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh and the local leaders in al-Anbar province as well as experts and investment advisors. The meeting is discussing ways to further economic and trade relations between Iraq and the UAE and exchange views on current economic issues and challenges. AmR (S)/SR 1