Wednesday, September 25, 2024


KA presents report on Kirkuk to parliament’s chairmanship

BAGHDAD / MP from the Kurdistan Alliance (KA), Khaled Shawani, said on Monday that his list presented its special report on Kirkuk to the parliament’s chairmanship. “The Kurdistan Alliance on Monday (Jun 1) presented its special report related to the Committee 23 on Kirkuk for the Kurdish side to explain our vision in the city supplied with data and statistics since March 2003 until last April,” Shawani told news agency. “On Sunday (May 31), the parliament’s chairmanship demanded the blocs forming the committee 23 on Kirkuk to present their reports to help taking a decision on holding the elections in the city,” he said. “The report highlighted the number of citizens in Kirkuk which was 800,000 in 2003 and jumped to 1.250 million in April 2009 ,” he added. SH (P)/SR 1