Friday, September 20, 2024


ID246m shares traded at ISX

BAGHDAD / Some 129 million shares worth more than 246 million Iraqi dinars (ID) were traded on Sunday at the Iraqi Stock Exchange (ISX) which added two companies to the e-trading sessions. Sunday’s session, the eighth e-trading one at the Iraqi capital market, saw the trading of shares of four joint-stock companies out of seven listed on the ISX: the Iraqi Middle East Bank, the Warka Bank for Investment & Finance, the Ashtar hotel and the Commercial Bank of Iraq (CBIQ). Three firms – al-Mansour Bank, al-Mansour hotel and the Ashur International Bank (AIB) – are not e-trading shares due to the annual meetings of their boards. The number of traded shares exceeded 129 million at more than ID246 million in 104 transactions, including 83 contracts for the banking sector that traded 127 million shares at a value of ID208 million. The ISX had witnessed the first e-trading session on April 19 over five registered companies, three banks and two hotels. The ISX holds three sessions on a weekly basis: one electronic session over five joint-stock companies on Sundays and two manual trading sessions over 86 registered companies out of a total 91 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. AmR (P) 1