Saturday, September 21, 2024


Kurdish parliament’s speaker meets UNAMI delegation

ARBIL / Speaker of the Kurdish parliament, Adnan al-Mufti, on Monday discussed with a delega tion of UNAMI the final steps of writing the draft constitution of the Kurdistan region, according to a statement of the Kurdish Parliament. “ Adnan Mufti met with a delegation of UNAMI headed by Morek Henderso n, the head of UNAMI office in A rbil on Monday (June 8),” said the statement received by news agency. “ They discussed the political situation in Kurdistan region, the final steps for writing the draft of the Kurdistan region c onstitution and the parliamentary and presi dential elections in the region,” it added. Al- Mufti emphasized that the draft of Kurdistan region was finished, and it will be discussed in the parliament soon to approve it. “T hey discussed the relations between Kurdistan regional government and the federal government, steps of implementing Article 140 and the relations between Kurdistan region and neighbouring countries, especially Turkey ,” the statement said. SH (P)/SR 1