Sunday, September 22, 2024


IED factory seized in Thi-Qar – official

THI-QAR / Special forces seized the largest factory for home-making explosive charges and “important” documents about armed activities by an organization inside the city, the province’s police chief said on Saturday. “The factory, spotted in the area of al-Fidaa, northern Thi-Qar, can be considered the largest ever to be seized in Iraq since Operation Saulat al-Forsan (Knights’ Assault),” Maj. General Sabah al-Fatlawi told news agency. “The weapons seized inside the factory included modern and developed rockets of different sizes in addition to improvised explosive devices,” he added. Fatlawi did not elaborate on the name of the organization involved or the number of weapons seized. On Wednesday, a car bomb in the district of al-Bathaa, western al-Nasseriya, left dozens killed in the fiercest blast in years. Nasseriya, the capital city of Thi-Qar province, lies 380 km south of Baghdad. AmR (P) 1