Friday, September 20, 2024


Top U.N. envoy de Mistura leaves after 2 years in Iraq

BAGHDAD / BAGHDAD / The top United Nations envoy to Iraq is leaving the country after almost two years on the job and will be taking up the post of Deputy Executive Director of the World Food Programme (WFP), it was announced today. “I leave hopeful that Iraq is on the road of democracy and stability after so much suffering. I am deeply grateful to the Iraqi authorities, and the people of Iraq for the support and confidence they have given the United Nations during this challenging period,” Staffan de Mistura, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq, said. The U.N. Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) has “substantially expanded” its presence and activities inside the country over the past two years, according to a news release issued in Baghdad. It has contributed to the holding of the Provincial Councils elections, and launched a major initiative aimed at defusing tensions related to disputed internal boundaries and the city of Kirkuk, the Mission added. Mr. de Mistura said that he was very hopeful that a mechanism set up between the Iraqi Government and the Northern Region of Kurdistan Kurdistan RegionG) to discuss issues of common concern, with UN facilitation, “could become operational in the coming days, based on the principles of a single united Iraq and respect for the Constitution.” At the same time, in the context of improving bilateral cooperation with Iraq’s neighbours, the Special Representative voiced optimism that, with the assistance of the UN, both Iraq and Kuwait would use the current opportunity to demonstrate good will and commitment towards a sustainable solution to their pending issues. Mr. de Mistura has served the UN in conflict-affected areas including Somalia, the Middle East, the Balkans and Nepal. According to UNAMI, he will continue to take a “close interest” in matters dealing with the Middle East, including Iraq, when he takes up his new assignment at WFP. Deputy envoy Andrew Gilmour will oversee UNAMI until a new Special Representative is appointed, the Mission noted. SH (S) 1