Saturday, September 21, 2024


Wassit University’s guards abuse journalists

BAGHDAD / A team of al-Furat satellite TV station that was trying to cover the killing of a female student at Wassit University’s campus was abused by the University’s guards, said a source from the Iraqi journalists Union – Wassit branch. :Reporter Riyadh al-Igaili of al-Furat satellite TV station and his cameraman were cursed, beaten, and their equipments were destroyed by guards of Wassit University,” the source told news agency. “The team was planning to cover the killing of the University’s female student that took place earlier Wednesday (June 17),” he added. Earlier, a security source from Wassit province said that an employee of Wassit University killed one of the University’s female students, using his personal pistol, and then shot himself in an attempt to commit suicide. For his part, the University’s media director, Alaa Zwer said that the act of al-Furat satellite TV station’s team was “irresponsible.” “The team did not contact the University’s media office to facilitate their mission,” Zwer stressed. Kut, the capital city of Wassit province, lies 180 km southeast of Baghdad. MH (S)/SH 1