Monday, September 23, 2024


2 sewage projects in Karbala totaling ID5b

KARBALA / Two sewage projects were finalized in Karbala on Saturday at a total cost of five billion Iraqi dinars, equal to $4.2 million, a local official said. “Two local firms finalized the sewage projects, the first in the heart of the city while the other one in the district of al-Horr, (5 km) west of Karbala, at a cost of ID3.509 billion,” Abbas Nasser Hassani, the province’s local council reconstruction & strategic planning chairman, told Iraqi News. “Serving 2,000 families, the first project was carried out in al-Ghadeer neighborhood, (3 km) southern Karbala ,” Hassani added. “The second project, serving about 1,000 local residents, cost ID1.509 billion,” he said, adding the two projects took six months to finish. The holy Shiite city of Karbala lies 110 km southwest of the Iraqi capital Baghdad . AmR (P)/SR 1