Saturday, September 21, 2024


2 Iraqi soldiers wounded in blast in Falluja

ANBAR / Two Iraqi soldiers were wounded when an improvised explosive device (IED) went off near their patrol in southern al-Falluja city on Sunday, a police source said. “The IED went off today (Aug. 16) near an Iraqi patrol in the village of al-Fuhaylat, Aamiriyat al-Falluja district, southern Falluja, leaving two servicemen wounded and causing damage to the patrol vehicles,” the source told Iraqi News. Falluja, the largest city in the predominantly Sunni province of al-Anbar, lies 45 km west of Baghdad . Anbar is occasionally witnessing security tumults. A few days ago, IEDs and car bombs ripped through Falluja and the capital city Ramadi, 110 km west of Baghdad , leaving dozens killed or wounded. AmR (P)/SR 1