Saturday, September 21, 2024


4 killed in attack in Falluja

ANBAR / Four persons, including two sahwa (awakening) tribal fighters, were killed in an attack on their house in southern al-Falluja city on Sunday, a local police source said. “Unidentified gunmen on Sunday (Aug. 16) attacked a house in the village of al-Bu Yousuf in al-Aamiriya, southern Falluja, killing four persons, including two sahwa (awakening) fighters, and blowing up the house,” the source told Iraqi News. “Clashes erupted between the gunmen and the house owners. When the residents ran out of ammunition, the gunmen raided and blew the house up and then escaped to an unknown place,” the source added. Falluja, the largest city in the predominantly Sunni province of al-Anbar, lies 45 km west of the Iraqi capital Baghdad . AmR (P)/SR 1