Sunday, September 22, 2024


3 lawmakers quit INL

BAGHDAD / Three lawmakers have announced their withdrawal from the Iraqi National List (INL), led by former Premier Iyad Allawi, citing differences in points of view as the main reason behind their decision. The parliamentarians are Iyad Jamaldin, Mahdi al-Hafiz and Izzat al-Shabandar. Speaking to Iraqi News, Jamaldin said they had been marginalized in the decision-making process. “The list has sent a delegation to Iran and kept us in the dark,” the parliamentarian argued. Commenting on the possibility of forming a new alliance, Jamaldin said, “We seek a new political bloc that is based on national accord,” he added. Several members quit the INL in 2007 and 2008. Before the withdrawals, the INL held 21 seats in the 275-member Parliament. SS (P) 1