Friday, September 20, 2024


High coordination to protect disputed areas – official

NINEWA / The head of the Ninewa Fraternal list, Khesro Kouran, said on Friday that there is a high coordination between Iraqi forces and Peshmerga forces and the U.S. troops to tackle the security gaps in the disputed areas. “There are new security measures to protect the disputed areas through setting up joint committees of the three parties as well as establishing joint military units,” Kouran told Iraqi News. The U.S. commander in Iraq had suggested sending troops to an area in the north that is the subject of dispute between Kurds and Arabs. A series of bombings prompted Gen. Ray Odierno to propose dispatching American forces to the Arab-Kurdish boundary in Ninewa province to help maintaining security in the region. Odierno said the deployment would not involve a large number of Americans and would not begin until next month. SH (P) 1