Saturday, September 21, 2024


Talabani stresses need to strengthen ties with Turkey

BAGHDAD / Iraqi President Jalal Talabani received an envoy of the Turkish government and his accompanying delegation in Baghdad on Saturday to discuss recent Iraqi and regional developments, according to a presidential release. “Talabani, during the meeting, called for strengthening ties between Iraq and Turkey relying on the historic and religious roots binding the two neighbors,” read the release as received by Iraqi News. For his part, the Turkish official conveyed the heartfelt condolences of the Turkish government and people for the families of victims of the recent “terrorist” attacks and also the death of Sayyid Abdulaziz al-Hakim, the leader of the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council (SIIC). He also underlined Turkey ‘s support for Iraq ‘s political process, praising efforts exerted by President Talabani to activate cooperation and expand relations between the two countries to the good and common interests for both sides and peace, stability and development for the region as a whole. AmR (P)/SR 1