Saturday, September 21, 2024


90% of terrorists came to Iraq through Syria – PM

BAGHDAD / The Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on Monday received in Baghdad the Turkish foreign minister and informed him that 90 percent of the terrorists in Iraq infiltrated the country through Syria. “Since 2004, Iraq has been providing Syria with detailed information about terrorists’ activities in Syria against Iraq,” a release issued by the premier’s office quoted al-Maliki as saying. “Iraq’s stance is to demand the United Nations to form an international criminal court to try those involved in the ugly crimes that have been targeting Iraq and its people,” al-Maliki said in the release that was received by Iraqi News. He pointed out that Syria should handover the main criminals wanted for committing the Wednesday, August 19, blasts in Baghdad, which left 82 people dead and 1,203 others wounded. MH (P) / SS 1