Friday, September 20, 2024


Syrian permanent delegate to AL reiterates country’s keenness in Iraq’s unity

BAGHDAD / Syria ‘s Permanent Delegate to the Arab League Ambassador Youssef Ahmad reiterated Syria ‘s interest in supporting Iraq ‘s national unity, according to Syrian news agency ( SANA ). He also stressed his country’s support to Iraq ’s integrity of land and people, sovereignty, independence, its Arab and I sl amic identity, non-interference in its internal affairs. The Ambassador’s remarks came in his inaugural speech at the 132 session of the Arab League Council at the level of Permanent Delegates which kicked off Monday at the Cairo-based Arab League headquarters chaired by Ambassador Ahmad. He also pointed out to the agreement between the Iraqi government and the U . S . which stipulates for the withdrawal from Iraq . Iraqi-Syrian relations have been recently strained after the bloody Aug. 19 bombing attacks that left 82 people killed and 1203 others wounded. The Iraqi government accused Baathists residing in Syria of involvement in the blasts and called on Syria to hand them over. SH (P)/SR 1