Friday, September 20, 2024


Nesws Summary

BAGHDAD / Following is a summary of news reports posted until 10:00 p.m. Baghdad local time Friday-Sept. 11: . Security: ANBAR – Cargo and cattle smuggling and infiltration of foreigners into Iraq via the borders in al-Anbar province decreased after checkpoints and control towers were set up along the international borders with Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, a security source said on Friday. ANBAR – A Ramadi police force detained nine wanted persons and suspects during security operations in several villages and areas in southern Ramadi city on Friday, a security source said. KIRKUK – Five Iraqi army soldiers were killed in an attack waged by unidentified gunmen southwest of Kirkuk on Friday, a security source in the city said. KIRKUK – The Kirkuk air base came under an attack with an unknown rocket, a source from the city’s Joint Coordination Center (JCC) said on Friday. DIALA – Multi-National Force (MNF) troops on Friday detained a suspect and defused three improvised explosive devices in the district of al-Saadiya, northern Diala, a security source in the province said. . Economy: BASRA – The petrochemicals plants compound in Basra will be back to work soon via water from artesian wells drilled by the compound personnel to feed its units, the facility director said on Friday. BAGHDAD – The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) dollar sales slightly decreased during this week’s auctions to reach $662.505 million compared to last week’s $674.805 million. . Sports: BAGHDAD – Iraq brought up to seven its medals in the Asia tournament for the disabled currently hosted in the Japanese capital Tokyo, the spokesman for the Iraqi Paralympics Committee said on Friday. . Variety: BAGHDAD – The Iraqi Republic Railway Company (IRR) will offer passenger train services to transport pilgrims to the Askari Imams shrines in Samarra city during the days of Eidul-Fitr, according to a release by the transport ministry on Friday. AmR (S) 1