Friday, September 20, 2024


3 AQI operations arrested in Samarra

SALAH AL-DIN / Security forces arrested three members of Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) network during a raid in southern Samarra city on Saturday, a local police source said. “The Iraqi police and the Samarra Isnad (Support) Council forces, acting on intelligence tip-offs, conducted a search raid in the area of al-Rakka, southern Samarra , and arrested three AQI members,” the source told Iraqi News. “One of the three arrested gunmen is involved in the murder of several security men and civilians after kidnapping carried out by his group on the international Baghdad-Mosul highway in 2006 and 2007,” he said. Samarra lies 120 km north of the Iraqi capital. The source noted that the gunmen have surrendered without clashes and several medium and light arms were seized in their possession. The province of Salah al-Din is 120 km north of Baghdad . AmR (P)/SR 1