Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Parl. delegation arrives in Paris

BAGHDAD / An Iraqi parliamentary delegation led by Speaker Iyad al-Samarraie arrived at the De Gaulle Airport in Paris on Monday for a visit upon an invitation from the French National Assembly, a media official said. “The visiting delegation comprised several legislators including Sirwan al-Zahawi from the Kurdistan Alliance (KA), Jaber Habib Jaber, a member of the parliament’s foreign relations committee, Hashim al-Tai’e, the provinces committee chairman, and other members of parliament,” Omar al-Mashhadani, the speaker’s media director, told Iraqi News. “During the visit, several issues will discussed between the two sides including means to activate cooperation between Iraq and France and benefit from the French experience in the provinces sphere and other legislative fields,” he added. AmR (P) 1