Friday, September 20, 2024


Timeline: U.S. copters in Iraq

BAGHDAD / Several U.S. copters have crashed in Iraq since April 2003, the most important incidents are: In 2003: Apr. 14; A AH-1W SuperCobra went down near the city of Samarra, where two U.S. service members were wounded. Apr. 30: A CH-53E Super Stallion crashed near the city of Najaf and its crew managed to survive. May 6: One U.S. soldier was wounded when a OH-58D Kiowa was down near al-Assad base. May 9: A Blackhawk helicopter crashed in the Tigris river’s valley. Three U.S. soldiers were killed in the incident. May 19: Four Marines were killed when a CH-46E Sea Knight went down in the city of Hilla in Babel province. Jun. 12: An Apache crashed in western Iraq, without casualties. Oct. 25: A Blackhawk helicopter went down in a missile attack in Tikrit. Nov. 2: 16 U.S. servicemen were killed and 21 others were wounded when a Shinok helicopter went down near Falluja in Anbar. Nov. 7: Six U.S. soldiers were killed when a Blackhawk crashed near Tikrit. Nov. 15: Two Blackhawk choppers were down, where 17 soldiers were killed. Dec. 9: A OH-58 Kiowa crashed in Falluja and its pilot managed to survive. In 2004: Jan. 2: A Kiowa helicopter went down in central Iraq and one of its two pilots was killed and the other was injured. Jan. 8: Nine U.S. soldiers were killed when a Blackhawk was down near Falluja. Jan. 13: An Apache crashed in al-Tharthar region in western Iraq. The crew survived. Jan. 23: A helicopter went down in northern Iraq. Two members were killed. Jan. 25: Two pilots and one soldier were killed when a Kiowa helicopter was down near Mosul. Feb. 25: A U.S. Kiowa helicopter went down in western Iraq, where its crew was killed. Aug. 11: Two Marines were killed in the crash of a CH-53 in Anbar. Oct. 16: Two U.S. soldiers were killed when a helicopter was down. Nov. 12: Gunmen shot down a Blackhawk in northern Baghdad, injuring three of its crew. Dec. 9: Two soldiers were killed when two helicopters went down in northern Iraq. In 2005: Jan. 26: A CH53E helicopter crashed in Anbar near the Jordanian borders, where 30 Marines were killed. Jan. 28: Two soldiers were killed when a Kiowa helicopter went down in southwestern Baghdad. Apr. 17: An Apache helicopter made an urgent landing in north of Baghdad. Apr. 21: A Shinok helicopter crashed and five of its crew were wounded. Apr. 27: An Apache was down near al-Mushahada region and its pilot was killed. Aug. 12: An Apache went down near Kirkuk. Two members were wounded. Aug. 30: Kiowa helicopter crashed. Nov. 2: A SuperCobra chopper went down near Ramadi, where two Marines were killed. In 2006: Jan. 8: A Blackhawk helicopter went down near Mosul, where 12 people were killed, Jan. 13: A helicopter was shot down by gunmen in Mosul. The pilot was killed in the attack. Jan. 16: An Apache was down in al-Taji region, north of Baghdad, where a pilot was killed. Apr. 1: An Apache helicopter went down in al-Youssifiya region, south of Baghdad. May 14: Two soldiers were killed when a U.S. helicopter crashed in al-Youssifiya region. Aug. 8: One helicopter crashed in Anbar, killing four crew members. Sept. 7: A U.S. copter made an urgent landing in Anbar, western Iraq, where a Marine was killed. Nov. 6: An Apache was down in north of Baghdad, killing the pilot. Dec. 3: A CH-46E Sea Knight went down in Anbar with 17 persons onboard. Dec. 11: A CH-53E Super Stallion carrying 21 people was down in Anbar. The incident killed one person and injured 17. In 2007: Dec. 20: A Blackhawk was down in Diala with 12 soldiers onboard. Dec. 28: An Apache crashed in south of Najaf, killing the pilot. Feb. 2: Two U.S. servicemen were killed when an Apache went down in southwestern Baghdad. Feb. 7: Seven U.S. soldiers were killed when a missile hit a U.S. chopper in southwestern Baghdad. Feb. 11: A Blackhawk was down without casualties. Feb. 21: A Blackhawk carrying nine people went down in southwestern Baghdad without casualties. May 28: Gunmen s