Friday, September 20, 2024


2 Qaeda fugitives recaptured in Salah al-Din

SALAH Al-DIN / Two al-Qaeda prisoners who escaped from jail have been recaptured in Salah al-Din’s areas of Samarra and al-Dour, a local police official said on Saturday. “This morning, police forces arrested Kahlan Ali Obeid, who has been sentenced to death three times for several murders in Hawi area, al-Dour district…,” Col. Hatem Akram told Iraqi News. “Bakr al-Samarraie, another fugitive, was recaptured near Samarra City,” the colonel noted. “Eight other escapees are still on the run,” he added. A few days ago, 16 al-Qaeda members broke out of prison in downtown Tikrit City. Eight escapees have been rearrested thus far. Tikrit, the capital city of Salah al-Din province, lies 175 km north of Baghdad. SS (P) 1