Friday, September 20, 2024


Al-Samarraie urges Iran to follow Iraq’s example, pardon detainees

BAGHDAD / Speaker of the Iraqi parliament, Iyad al-Samarraie, said on Wednesday that the Iraqi government pardons Iranian detainees from now and then, calling on the Iranian side to follow Iraq’s example. This came during his visit along with Iraqi delegation to Tehran and his meeting on Tuesday afternoon (Sept.29) and his meeting with Iranian Judiciary chief Ayatollah Sadeq Larijani,” according to a statement released by the Iraqi Accord Front (IAF) received by Iraqi News. Al-Samarraie asked Larijani to assure that the Iraqi prisoners in Iran will be treated with compassion and Larijani promised that Iranian judicial officials will show clemency in issuing the rulings. “The Iranian side promised to free all Iraqi prisoners in Iran (around 220 prisoners) or commutate their sentence,” the statement added. Al-Samarraie discussed also the Iraqi expatriates in Iran and ways to facilitate their work and official procedures. He also called for the expansion of legal and judicial ties with Iran, saying Iraq is ready to utilize Iran’s experience in these areas. SH (S) 1