Saturday, September 21, 2024


Anbar official to discuss investment projects in Istanbul conf.

ANBAR / Members of the al-Anbar provincial council are getting ready to take part in an investment conference to be hosted soon in the Turkish city of Istanbul, where representatives of the UN Development Program (UNDP) as well as Arab and foreign companies will attend, a council member said on Saturday. “The event will deal with several investment projects, including the Anbar’s natural gas field of Okasha, in addition to recent scientific research in the field of investment mineral wealth,” Arkan Khalaf told Iraqi News. He did not give a definite date for the conference. “A five-year plan on all service, industrial and development projects of infrastructure will also be discussed with the UNDP and investment companies attending the event,” Khalaf noted. The predominantly Sunni province of al-Anbar lies 110 km west of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. AmR (P)/SR 1