Saturday, September 21, 2024


6 missiles seized in Kut

WASSIT / Wassit’s Quick Response Department personnel seized six missiles with their launching pads in western al-Kut city on Friday, according to the QRD commander. “The force seized six Katyusha rockets inside an abandoned house in the area of Zain al-Qaws, western Kut, which were ready for firing,” Maj. Aziz al-Amer told news agency. “The seizure has taken place upon intelligence tip-offs and the six rockets were removed to the QRD headquarters in Kut to have them defused by anti-bomb squad personnel,” he added. The police on Monday (Oct. 5) had seized seven Katyushas in al-Dayniya, 100 km northeast of Kut, which were ready for firing towards al-Aziziya district, 90 km north of Kut, and managed to dismantle them. Kut, the capital city of Wassit province, lies 180 km southeast of Baghdad. AmR (P) 1