Friday, September 20, 2024


Maliki discusses bilateral ties with Biden

BAGHDAD / Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri a-Maliki discussed with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden in Washington ways of boosting cooperation between the two countries, according to a statement of his office. “Maliki and Biden discussed ways of developing relations and the importance of the investment conference which will be held in Washington to boost bilateral ties,” said the statement received by news agency. “The meeting tackle the latest development in the Iraqi arena and the preparation for holding the parliamentary elections which will push the democratic march in the country,” it added. For his part, Biden called for removing all obstacles facing the elections, mainly those related to the Kirkuk cause, announcing his country’s support to Iraq’s efforts  in stabilizing security and stability throughout Iraq. He also reiterated the U.S. support to get Iraq out of the chapter VII, calling for finding a solution for the pending issues between Iraq and Kuwait through the dialogue. SH (P)/SR 1