Monday, September 23, 2024


U.S., Iraq agree to establish joint committee to solve Chapter 7 issues

BAGHDAD / U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Tuesday that she agreed with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to establish a joint coordination committee to tackle all Chapter 7 issues that need to be resolved, according to the State Department’s website. “Today, the prime minister and I discussed a range of issues, and we agreed to establish a diplomatic joint coordinating committee under the Strategic Framework Agreement. In that committee, we will discuss all Chapter 7 issues that need to be resolved,” Clinton said. “Tomorrow’s U.S-Iraq Business and Investment Conference will be a very important priority for both of us. By bringing together business and government leaders from both countries, we hope to pave the way for greater international investment in Iraq and closer economic ties between us,” she added. “As Iraq emerges from conflict, the stability that is occurring will drive greater prosperity, which will help create a lasting peace and bring jobs that will lift families’ income and give Iraqis a greater opportunity to chart their own futures. I want to thank Prime Minister Maliki and the other Iraqi leaders who are here today for their leadership on this important conference and the issue, and I want to express our pleasure at seeing the recent amendments to Iraq’s national investment law,” Clinton underlined. “We also discussed the upcoming national elections which are critical to Iraq’s future. Obviously, we are supporting the efforts to ensure that the elections are credible and legitimate, and that a new government is formed in a timely way to continue the peaceful stability and economic growth that is so important.” SH (S) 3