Tuesday, September 24, 2024


New oil well north of Amara

MISSAN / IraqiNews.com: Engineers and technicians in Missan embarked on drilling a new oil well north the city of al-Amara, according to the Missan Oil Company information official on Friday. “Works to drill the Nour-9 well, located five kilometers north of Amara, started today (Oct. 30) in association with the Iraqi Drilling Company as part of a new plan by the Missan Oil Company to increase production,” Ali Abbas Sadeq told IraqiNews.com news agency. He said the plan envisages the drilling of 10 new wells in the al-Halfaya field in 2009/2010. “The company had finalized drilling works on the Halfaya-7 well, from which crude oil already flowed, contributing to an increase in oil production,” Sadeq added. Missan is home to six productive oilfields – al-Bazrakan, Abu Gharb, al-Fakka, al-Halfaya and al-Amara in addition to Majnoon, an oilfield that belongs to the province in partnership with the South Oil Company, The province also houses five discovered non-productive fields – al-Huwayza, al-Rafie, Rafidain al-Sharqi, al-Dujaila and Kemit. Amara, the capital city of Missan province, lies 390 km south of Baghdad. AmR (P) 2