Tuesday, September 24, 2024


5 unknown bodies buried near Kirkuk

KIRKUK / IraqiNews.com: The health department in Kirkuk has buried five unidentified bodies near the city, a local official said on Sunday. “The five corpses have been buried in the Islamic way in the Banja Ali mass grave (8 km south of Kirkuk),” a member of the religious affairs committee in Kirkuk’s provincial council, Jawad al-Janabi, told IraqiNews.com news agency. “The graves have been marked to allow their next of kin to recognize them,” Janabi noted. “The bodies belong to men who carried out terrorist operations in the province,” Janabi added. Kirkuk, an oil-rich and mixed city of Kurds, Turkmen, Christians and Arabs, lies 250 km northeast of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. SS (P) 1