Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Demonstration in Ninewa against accountability commission’s decision

NINEWA / Residents of Ninewa province and a number of political blocs on Thursday staged a demonstration in front of the local government’s building to protest the decision of the Justice and Accountability Commission to exclude 15 blocs from the election race. “Around 500 protestors gathered on Thursday morning in front of the local council’s building after touring al-Dawasa street in central Mosul,” correspondent of news agency said. On Thursday (Jan. 7), a parliamentary source said that the Accountability and Justice Commission, the revised version of the Debaathification Committee in Iraq, had decided to exclude 14 entities, including Saleh al-Motlak’s, from the election racing for Baath affiliation. The angry men threatened to boycott the upcoming elections unless the commission cancel its decision. Ninewa police imposed trough security measures until the end of the demonstration. SH (P)/SR 1