Friday, September 27, 2024


6 suspects nabbed in Jalawlaa

DIALA / A combined police force from the Iraqi army and police detained six suspects in central Jalawlaa district, northern Diala, on Sunday, a local police source said. “The force conducted a search raid in the area of Soz, central Jalawlaa, (30 km) southwest of Khanaqin district, arresting four suspects,” the source told news agency. Khanaqin, one of the disputed areas between the central Baghdad government and the semi-autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan Region (IKurdistan Region), lies 155 km northeast of Baaquba. “The army forces also managed today (Jan. 24) to arrest two suspects others in the village of Jaghat with two light arms in their possession,” the source added, not giving further details. Baaquba, the capital city of the restive province of Diala, lies 57 km northeast of Baghdad. AmR (P)/SR 2