Wednesday, September 25, 2024


5 killed or wounded separately in Mosul

NINEWA / Three gunmen were killed and another wounded in clashes that erupted between a group of unidentified gunmen and a U.S. force south of Mosul city on Sunday, a local security source said. “Clashes broke out on Sunday evening between a U.S. force and an armed group in the district of al-Shura, south of Mosul, leaving three gunmen killed and another injured,” the source told news agency. “The bodies were removed to a morgue in the city while the wounded man was escorted by policemen to a hospital for treatment,” he added. Meanwhile, the same source added, a civilian man was wounded in a separate incident after clashes between gunmen and a federal police force in al-Thawra neighborhood, western Mosul. “The civilian man, who happened to be in the site of the clashes, was caught in the crossfire,” the source said. Mosul, the capital city of the volatile province of Ninewa, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. AmR (P)/SR 2