Monday, September 23, 2024


Tolerance International opens training course in Arbil

ARBIL / A first-of-its-kind training course on “citizens & information technology press” was opened at the Science & Technology Academy in the city of Arbil on Friday. The two-day event, organized by Tolerance International with support from IREX organization, will be attended by 40 persons from all groups in the Iraqi societies. The training course will include lectures and intensive training on e-press and information technology as well as the transfer and dissemination of information. Lecturing in the course are a host of foreign experts like British journalist Oliver Paul, an expert in the Iraqi affairs, and Nelly Ahmedova, an Estonian photojournalist. The course was inaugurated in the presence of the Iraqi Kurdistan government’s minister of culture, the Tolerance International chief and the British consul in Arbil. AmR (P) 1