Saturday, September 21, 2024


Diwaniya demands more allocations

DIWANIYA / The governor of Diwaniya has called for a bigger share of the federal budget to be allocated for his province, which he described as one of the poorest in the country. “The allocation of 100 billion Iraqi dinars (ID) from the 2010 budget is insufficient. The province has debts of ID121 billion, which means that it will not have any budget for this year,” Governor Salem Hussein Alwan told news agency. “Diwaniya is a non-oil producing province and has no borders. It does not have tourist or religious sites and according to recent statistics, it is one of the poorest Iraqi provinces,” the governor added. “Diwaniya is primarily an agricultural province, but because of the lack of its water quota, most of its land has become infertile,” he added. Diwaniya, the capital city of Diwaniya province, lies 180 km south of Baghdad. SS (P)/SR 2