Saturday, September 21, 2024


Deal to up power pylons’ capacity to 363 MW – official

BASRA / An agreement was reached with a Turkish exporter of a ready-to-use power pylons to up their capacity from 240 to 363 megawatt (MW) in Basra, according to the provincial council’s electricity committee chairman on Friday. “The capacity of one pylon, due to arrive in the port of Umm Qasr soon, will be upped from 105 to 143 megawatt, while the second, to arrive in Khour al-Zubair port, will be upped from 125 to 225 megawatt,” Eng. Ziyad Ali Fadel told news agency. Fadel pledged that the production of electricity in Basra will see improvement by the coming summer season. “This should call for more transfer projects to make good use of the new amount of power generation,” he added. The oil-rich port city of Basra lies 590 km south of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. AmR (P) 1