Sunday, September 22, 2024


Falluja’s mosques call for demonstration against al-Aaraji’s statements

ANBAR / A mosque’s imam said on Monday that Falluja’s scholars have called for a demonstration on Tuesday to condemn statements made by Shiite MP Bahaa al-Aaraji. “Scholars in Falluja on Monday evening (Feb. 15) using loudspeakers called to stage a demonstration on Tuesday (Feb. 16) to condemn statements made by MP Bahaa al-Aaraji,” Sheikh Ahmad Abdullah al-Mohammadi told news agency. “The protest will take place in al-Falluja al-Qadeema region near Mohammad al-Fayad mosque in central Falluja,” he added. Media reports quoted al-Aaraji as saying in an interview with al-Baghdadiya television on Saturday (Feb. 13) that the majority in Iraq had been held under a conspiracy since Abu Bakr, one of the closest companions and adviser of the Prophet Mohammad, until Ahmad Hassan al-Bakr’s party. SH (P)/SR 1