Friday, September 27, 2024


Talafarians urge candidates to present electoral programs instead of votes begging

NINEWA / Citizens of Talafar city called on candidates to present their electoral programs instead of begging for votes by offering financial aid to orphans and poor people. Talafar Mayor, Dr. Abdulaal al-Ubeidi, urged citizens to choose their candidates properly, stressing the importance of selecting fair elements for the coming parliament. He called also for a wide participation in the parliamentary elections, noting that the election will be an important step to establish a democratic and free Iraq. “Several candidates started their campaigns by offering financial aid to orphans and poor families,” Mahmoud Ali, an employee, told news agency. “Some candidates believe that the Iraqi people are careless and could be deceived by an amount of money,” he said, asking the candidates to present their programs and to try to convince the public in order to allow voters to select their representatives according to their programs. Sanaa Taqi, a housewife, called for a wide participation in the coming elections. “Everyone has to exercise their natural and legal right to vote to elect their representatives to demand their rights through them,” she said. She underlined the importance of women’s participation as women represent half of the society and some political blocs seek to win women’s vote under the pretext of guaranteeing their rights. “Voters should select those who will represent them according to their ability, efficiency, integrity and his loyalty,” Saawood Wahb, an employee, told news agency. “I have never participated in any of the previous elections but I will take part in the upcoming one,” he said. The coming parliamentary elections will be held on March 7. Talafar suburb is 60 km northwest of Mosul, which is the capital city of Ninewa province and lies 405 km north of Baghdad. SH (S)/SR 2