Sunday, September 22, 2024


Assad still harboring Baathists, backing Iraq terror – paper

BAGHDAD / The U.S. open-door policy to Syria would not yield fruits, particularly when it comes to its practices on a host of regional issues, including the situation in Iraq, according to an editorial published by the Washington Post newspaper on Friday. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is still harboring leaders of the former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein’s regime and backing terrorist, the U.S. paper added. No progress should be expected from talks with Syria. The notion that dictator Bashar al-Assad may give up on his alliance with Iran and terror-sponsoring activities might be the hardest eve in the Middle East region, it read. The Syrian president is allowing suicide bomber to be churned out in myriads into Iraq so that Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) may use them. AmR (P) 2