Saturday, September 21, 2024


Participation percentage 62% in Iraq – IHEC

BAGHDAD /Iraqi News The Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) said on Monday that the participation percentage in the general election reached 62 percent. The state-run al-Iraqia satellite television quoted Chairwoman of the electoral department, Hamdiya al-Husseini, at a press conference as saying that the participation percentage of the elections in Iraq is 62 percent, noting that the highest percentage was in Duhuk 80 percent, Arbil 76 percent, and Sulaimaniya 73 percent. “The percentage in Kirkuk was 73 percent, Ninewa 66 percent, Diala 62 percent, Anbar 61 percent, Baghdad 53 percent, Babel 63 percent, Karbala 62 percent, Wassit 60 percent, Salah el-Din 73 percent, Najaf 61 percent, Qadissiya 62 percent, Thi-Qar 60 percent, Missan 50 percent, and Basra 57 percent,” she added, asserting that on Friday (March 12) the IHEC will announce the outcome of the political blocs. SH (P)/SR 1