Saturday, September 21, 2024


Duhuk registers highest turnout, Missan lowest

BAGHDAD /Iraqi News The highest turnout of voters during Iraq’s parliamentary election was registered in Duhuk, followed by Arbil, while the lowest was reported in Missan, the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) said. “The turnout reached 80 percent in Duhuk, 76 percent in Arbil, 73 percent in Sulaimaniya, Kirkuk and Salah al-Din, 66 percent in Ninewa and 63 percent in Babel,” an IHEC official, Hamdiya al-Husseini, said. On Monday (March 8), the IHEC said that the participation percentage in the general election reached 62 percent. The results of the election will be announced this Friday, according to the commission. SS (P) 1