Friday, September 20, 2024


Counting votes percentage throughout Iraq 66% – IHEC

BAGHDAD /Iraqi News The Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) said on Monday that the counting votes percentage throughout Iraq reached 66, noting that around 85% of the total results will be announced tomorrow. Speaking at a joint press conference with member of the commissioners council, Qassem al-Abboudi, Hamdiya al-Husseini said that “the counting votes percentage reached 66% as follow; Baghdad (60%), Duhuk (60%), Arbil (63%), Sulaimaniya (75%), Ninewa (63%), Kirkuk (68%), Diala (62%), Anbar (78%), Babel (60%), Karbala (60%), Wassit (88%), Salah el-Din (62), Najaf (63%), al-Qadissiya (59%), Muthanna (75%), Thi-Qar (72%), Missan (59%) and Basra (84%). For his part, al-Abboudi said that Tuesday (March 16) will witness the announcement of 85% of the counting votes results in Iraq. SH (P)/SR 1