Friday, September 20, 2024


Al-Iraqiya meets, issues conclusive statement

BAGHDAD / The leaders of Al-Iraqiya Alliance met on Tuesday evening (April 27) to discuss implications affecting the political process in Iraq. “The decisions taken by the Electoral Judicial Commission in the removal of candidates and hence the votes of electorates are consequently endangering the stability of Iraq,” said a statement issued by the Al-Iraqiya after the meeting, as received by news agency. The bloc presented the following demands according to the statement: 1-    To send a letter to the Head of the Supreme Judicial Council stressing the urgency of his intervention to protect the Judiciary from political influence, as this may have serious ramifications on the stability of the country. 2-    To hold accountable those responsible of distorting the election results by the appropriation of the electorates’ votes through malicious disqualifications and arrests affecting the candidates and supporters of Al-Iraqiya Bloc. 3-    Al-Iraqiya Bloc will reject any tampering with the election results, and therefore proposes the following: a-    That since Iraq is governed under Chapter VII, Al-Iraqiya has examined the option of resorting to the international community, including the members of the Security Council, European Union, Organisation of the Islamic conference, the states of the Arab League, to exercise their moral and legal right over the protection of the political process from any injustices, and to form a caretaker government and repeat the elections in an environment free of any political manipulation. b-    To send a request to the Presidential Board, as the protector of the Constitution, to call upon the House of the Representatives to continue their duties until the certification of the election results, and to form a new House of Representatives for the purpose of monitoring the executive branch, that operates without authority, as to prevent any violations of the political process and the Constitution. “This statement will be Al-Iraqiya’s final announcement, and hereafter, will not issue any appeals and demands on this matter, and reverts to the Iraqi people to implement their will,” the release stressed. “Through this statement, Al-Iraqiya will legally hold liable those who are trying to undermine the political process and steal the voices of the people, harming Iraq’s security and its social peace and drawing it into the unknown,” it noted. MH (S)/SR 2