Sunday, September 22, 2024


Turkish warplanes hit northern Iraq – AP

BAGHDAD / The Associated Press (AP) reported on Saturday that Turkey‘s military says its warplanes have struck Kurdish rebel targets inside northern Iraq. “The military’s press office said on Saturday that Turkish warplanes pounded positions across the border on Friday after army helicopters came under anti-aircraft fire from Iraqi soil. It said the rebel positions there were destroyed,” the AP said. “The helicopters were chasing a group of Turkish Kurdish rebels who killed two soldiers in a cross-border attack near the Daglica area along the Iraqi border. Five rebels were killed in the clashes,” the AP added. “It was the largest reported clash between the troops and autonomy-seeking Kurdish rebels since the guerrillas killed four soldiers and wounded seven others in an attack on a military outpost in eastern Turkey on April 30,” the AP explained. MH (P)/SR 4