Tuesday, September 24, 2024


$4 billion revenues from oil exports last month – spokesman

BAGHDAD / IraqiNews.com: Iraq’s revenues from oil exports in April have reached more than $4 billion after exporting 53 million barrels, according to a spokesman of oil ministry. “The oil ministry has made $4.222 billion from exporting 53 barrels last month,” Essam Jihad told IraqiNews.com news agency, noting that the average price per barrel reached 79.66 dollar from the Basra oil. “The volume of exports from the Basra oil reached 42.700 million barrels, recorded revenues of three billion and 386 million dollars.” “The exported quantities of crude oil from Kirkuk, amounted to 10 million barrels, and their revenues 836 million dollars.” He said that Iraq had achieved $4.351 billion from exporting 57.1 million barrels last March. SH (P) 2