Friday, September 20, 2024


Al-Maliki discussed the forming of new Government with Sadrist

Baghdad / The out going Prime Minister, Nouri Al-Maliki had received on Monday in his office in Baghdad, a delegation from Al-Sadr Movement and  had discussed the possibilities of forming the new Iraqi Government. In an official statement issued by Al-Maliki’s office on Monday, and a copy of which received by Aswat Aliraq, saying that, “The delegation which consisted of  the Head of the political section for The Sadr Movement, Karrar Al-Khafaji, Nassar Al-Rubai’i, Qusai Abdul Wahab and Abdul Satar Al-Biatti, had met with Al-Maliki and discussed the possibilities of forming a new Government and the ongoing dialogues between the State of Law Alliance and The Iraqi National Coalition. “The statement had also discussed the cooperation and coordination between both The Islamic Dawa Party and Al-Sadr Movement within the frame of the political process and the formation of the New Iraqi Government. In a press conference held after the meeting, Al-Maliki had said that ” We have exchanged our views within the ongoing efforts of forming the Government as well as the bilateral relation between both the Islamic Dawa Party and Al-Sadr Movement as they both belong to the same school.” He added,” We need to revise and overcome all the crisis which affect the relation between both parties as well as to strengthen the partnership in order to rebuild new Iraq and also to demonstrate the ability of the oppressed to live and work to rebuild the country.” In a question asked about the insurgency which raised the Sectarian Strife in Sadr City, east of Baghdad,  Al-Maliki said,”  when partners get close, both Al-Qaeda and Al-Baath Party start a sectarian violence, and when we succeeded to kill Al-Qaeda Leader, Abu Omar Al-Baghdadi, we found reports confirming their efforts to raise a sectarian strife, and other reports indicating that as long as Al-Maliki is in power, it will be difficult to raise it.” He also praised the Sadrists for refusing to get carried away behind the attempts of killing their Sunni brothers as well as the plans of both Al-Qaeda and Al-Baath Party to inflame the Secterian Strife.” On his part, Qusay Abdul Wahab said that,” The meeting of today has discussed the dialogues between the Sadr Movement and the other political Blocs into forming the new Government and with the two Coalitions.” He added that ” Our Meeting with Al-Maliki, as a Prime Minister and The Head of State of Law Alliance has discussed the candidates for the post of prime Minister, without either acceptance or rejection to any of these candidates, all subjects are to discussion.” “These meetings between Al-Sadr Movement and The Islamic Dawa Party are still going on as both parties are of same roots and the relation between them will not be affected by the political changes and this relation has to be developed, and the Sadr School considered as an important in the political reconstruction of the country.” Abdul Wahab Said NH (P)/SR 1