Saturday, September 28, 2024


We are reassured of forming next Government: Leader in Al-Iraqia List said

Baghdad / Aswat Al Iraq: The Leader in Al-Iraqia List,Jamal Al-Battikh, has expressed the reassurance of his Bloc to be mandated by the Iraqi President with the process of forming the new Government. Al-Battikh told Aswat Aliraq that,” Al-Iraqia List is leading the political situation in the country, and some of the political blocs, such as the Kurdistan Alliance, have started to give our list the constitutional right to form the new Government, and we are reassured that we will be mandatedto do so.” He said. He added,” Al-Iraqia bloc is waiting for the Federal Court to approve on the winning names, and for the Iraqi President to mandate us to form the Government.” Al-Battikh added,” As for the nominated ones to succeed both deputies, the assassinated, Bashar Alagedi, and the arrested, Sattar Najim, we have two members whom the Electoral Commission had suspended their membership and will be replaced by two others,” without mentioning their names. Meanwhile, two of Al-Iraqia List members were been threatened of giving up their membership in next Parliamen, despite their winning in the elections, the first was, Najim Al-Harbbi, who was arrested by the Iraqi Forces on the7th of last February, for being accused of terrorism, whilst the other, was Abdullah Al-Jubouri, who was excluded for criminal cases. A source in Nineveh Police said, that, on Monday last, unidentified gunmen had shot Bashar Al-Agidi, a winner in the Parlimentary elections for Al-Iraqia List, along with his driver ,in front of Alagidi’s house, in west of Mosul, causing the death of the first and wounding the other. NH (P)/SR 1